But independently of your sexual orientation you have most likely had the chance to see other people demonstrating their love towards their partners publicly.
I believe many have already presenced this between straight couples, but when was the last time you have seen a member of the LGBT community doing it?
You are probably asking yourself if you have ever presenced a public demonstration of affection between two people of the same gender.
The most common reaction when two people of the same gender demonstrate affection publicly is "Eww..." people find it weird, therefore they mock and attack it.
If you have never seen such public demonstrations of affection you now know why many aren't comfortable with it. And the question is: Can you really blame them?
Whenever they try doing something so normal as holding hands or a simple kiss they are at risk of being attacked verbally and in some cases physically, so why take that risk?
Would you?
I think independently of their sexual orientation anyone should have the right of expressing their love publicly, it is a part of being human, a part of being alive...
Now let's look further and ask ourselves "Why are people so hard on two lovers of the same gender who wish to publicly display their love?"
In my view we have a really close minded society and we have been taught since a really early age that a relationship is when a man and a woman love each other. Most of us are used to that heterossexual scenario, so when someone who isn't heterossexual displays his/hers affection for someone of the same gender in public, it is something so new and different than what we have learned that many chose to not accept it.
But that's where people are mistaken, the LGBT community isn't looking for acceptance, nobody ever demanded acceptance, but they do have a little demand, a small requirement, something that seems to be extict, I don't know if you have ever heard of it or read about it, but what the LGBT community wants is something called RESPECT.
Nobody has ever asked you to look when two people of the same gender are kissing, if you don't like what you are seeing just look away... it's as simple as that.
Have you ever asked yourself if they like it when you demonstrate your affection publicly to your heterosexual partner? Some might not mind it, because just like me and you were born in a heterosexual world, but I am sure many don't like to see you making out in public, I bet they find it disgusting too. But do they attack or insult you because of it?
To those of you who don't mind that the members of the LGBT community display their love publicly: Congratulations, you are one of the few open minded people in this world.
To those who don't respect the members of the LGBT community, and don't want them to display their affections publicly ask yourselves.
- Are these people hurting me by manifesting their affection publicly?
- What is the real reason I don't want them to display their affection publicly?
- Do I fear the possibility of liking what I will see?
- Why am I being such a b!tch about this, when I can simply look away?
- How does the person I just disrespected feel? What if she can't take it anymore and commits suicide?
Please thing before you act, the members of the LGBT community appreciate it, and if you are a teenager you are likely to have a child someday so, think better about your actions... How do you think will your child feel after knowing that his father/mother were so cruel?
Better yet... what will you do if he/she is gay/lesbian? I am sure he/she will love to hear about those good times you spent discriminating people because of their orientation,
Remember, everyone, independently of race, gender, sexual orientation, likes or dislikes deserve to be respected.
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